• 6 Posts
Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Oct 23, 2024


How many renewable sources of energy do you have? (solar, hydro, and satelites) The ratio of your renewable energy to nonrenewable energy decreases pollution production.

I understand, thank you

I’m on chromebook, I don’t have function keys

how do I access the browser console?

Passive Co2 absorption scales?
In the wiki there is a reference to Cath having plants which consume pollution the more pollution there is. Is this true and if so what is the math behind it?

Starving kitten priority change
I just had my leader(rank 5) starve to death because I couldn't shift my kittens around fast enough and I feel that it should prioritize food to your highest ranked/leader kittens to prevent this.

I’ve tried that, but from what I’ve seen it doesn’t actually change the job distribution, just the kittens which are assigned to each job.

Semantics of bonus notations
The Ampitheaters say "Uhappiness Reduction: -4.8%" which, when compared to the bonuses of other things implies that they are reducing the unhappiness reduction, not increasing it.

Is it worth it to shift scholars around
I know that when you reassign kittens they change what job they earn skill towards, but it is worth it to reassign your scholars when you are stuck at max science cap or is it worth more to leave them where they are for the skill gain?

Steamworks only cost tthe flat -60% to coal prod?
Are steamworks supposed to only cost the -60% to coal prod or is there supposed to be a scaling based on how many you have, because the way it is currently, once you build one there is no penalty to building more(other than the initial cost).

You will always want to build the basic things because there is a point where the cost creep makes the more advanced things less efficient than the basic things.

It is easier coding-wise to have it only trigger the first item in the queue but when I play Evolve I almost always have it set to do anything in the queue and I use the queue to build houses and stuff, rather than clicking it whenever it is buildable. To encourage this behavior, rather than using the massive dropdowns have it so you can use a hotkey to click and add things to the queue.