• 1 Post
Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Sep 09, 2024


You can move them away if you don’t need the science. When you need science again, put some kittens back to scholar and then click the “Manage Jobs” button on the page where you assign jobs and it will shuffle kittens to the spot where they are the most skilled.

If anyone cares. it took me to real year 1702 to clear the pollution. Year 290k when you count the time skips

I jumped into the PA run with 10 cryochambers and that was fine. As soon as I could get farmers there was plenty of catnip production

I’m not sure that they do. When I know I’m going to reset into a challenge I tend to not build any Cryochambers.

Once you get Solar Revolution going reliably (especially with at least one Atheism challenge) then the bonus from a skilled kitten won’t be as significant.

As you get more resets and higher Solar Revolution and Paragon bonus it will get easier to get enough Factories to zero out pollution.

I’m very late-game and so am able to run max smelters and still build enough Carbon-capture factories to set pollution to zero.

Grats on getting to zero pollution and you can look forward to it being easier to accomplish next run.

Recommended Cryochambers for first Post Apocalypse run
I am rapidly approaching Transcend tier 25 and will unlock the Post Apocalypse challenge. Is there a sweet sport for how many Kittens to send on the mission? Is more always better?