Originally posted by /u/XansHuzzah
I’ve seen a number of posts asking about pollution in the game and quite a bit of confusion. I too was confused so I made a calculator and a write up with equations about how pollution in game works. This covers
The calculator is a google sheet where you can fill in all your options, and the PDF is writeup of the effects and the actual equations behind them, best I could understand from the source code (including a TL;DR summary at the top).
Feel free to make copies and let me know suggestions about how to improve it.
Calculator (Google Sheets): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZLoYIUA9xujY6Sj_5gUk0fdqTxnbVv9B298qnVx9kCw/edit?usp=sharing
PDF Writeup: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lVRklkhVME6nBg8_pLCsqsgXBNx6QKcj/view?usp=sharing
EDIT: Includes a Time until stage X and Equilibrium calculations
EDIT: Includes Winter Has Come
Quick facts for the lazy:
Your goal is <50ppm, where you suffer no ill effects.
You reach stability by having summer as Healing, spring and autumn as Equilibrium, and winter as Worse. Easiest then is to find balance during spring or autumn as Equilibrium. There’s atm no extra modification induced by cold / normal or warm type of season.
By piling up tons of cats digging for coal, you can manage your polluting means of production to favour iron at the expense of coal production. More Iron through calciners, more coal through less mines etc. but tons of geologists.
Research Carbon Sequestration and max out Factories. Add Solar and Hydro to further mitigate PPM creation from polluting structures.
Read OP’s guide, there’s tons more to it. Lazy cats? ATHEIST CATS???