Originally posted by /u/XansHuzzah
I’ve seen a number of posts asking about pollution in the game and quite a bit of confusion. I too was confused so I made a calculator and a write up with equations about how pollution in game works. This covers
The calculator is a google sheet where you can fill in all your options, and the PDF is writeup of the effects and the actual equations behind them, best I could understand from the source code (including a TL;DR summary at the top).
Feel free to make copies and let me know suggestions about how to improve it.
Calculator (Google Sheets): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZLoYIUA9xujY6Sj_5gUk0fdqTxnbVv9B298qnVx9kCw/edit?usp=sharing
PDF Writeup: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lVRklkhVME6nBg8_pLCsqsgXBNx6QKcj/view?usp=sharing
EDIT: Includes a Time until stage X and Equilibrium calculations
EDIT: Includes Winter Has Come
Should completions of the Energy challenge be affecting the pollution levels? Since the reward for runs after the first decreases energy consumption