Originally posted by /u/cat_sword
I feel like there should be a small, early way to combat pollution. I think that the best thing would be to add an effect to pastures and catnip fields where they reduce pollution by a very small margin as by planting more plants, the plants should consume carbon dioxide. Because they would reduce by such a small amount it allows carbon sequestration to still be useful after you have ramped up production using factories.
It really doesn’t do much at all. Catnip production is the biggest hit, but the only time you’re really hurting for ‘nip is when you’ ll have almost 0 pollution anyway. By the time the effect is noticeable, you can beat it by putting one or two more kittens as farmers.
Likewise it does hit happiness, but at that point you have enough happy boosts. My current heavy pollution is dropping happy from 646% to 619%… Who cares?
It does hurt kitten baby-making, but again, that really only hurts when you open up a bunch of housing at once, which doesn’t happen very often.
The only time pollution might do something is if you stack the food-deficient challenges, and somehow get a lot of pollution before you can complete a couple of them. Maybe.